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Vriko Yu
Vriko is the co-founder and CEO of archiREEF, a CNN-featured green tech startup that focuses on restoring marine ecosystems like coral reefs with the power of architecture, science and 3D-printing. In the face of rapid climate change, the likes of coral reefs are being threatened at an unprecedented rate, and Vriko made it her mission to help restore life underwater. During her PhD, she co-invented the world’s first 3D-printed clay reef tiles, a product that has proven to be 4 times more effective in securing coral growth and longevity than traditional methods.
All Sessions by
Vriko Yu
Date of 2024
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Entrepreneur Keynote
Entrepreneur Keynote: Don't Forget the Ocean
Speaker: Ms. Vriko Yu, Co-founder and CEO, ArchiREEF
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