Sunnie S.Y. Lau
Sunnie S.Y. Lau
Director, Head of Smart City Research and Industry Collaboration, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node
Sunnie graduated with a B.A in Architecture from University of California, Berkeley; and obtained her Master of Architecture, and Certificate in Urban Design from M.I.T. Sunnie believes that human-centric design promotes inclusive communities with innovative sustainable design strategies and urban designers & architects play important roles within the built environment. By taking up the roles of both practitioner and educator, she has been focuses on topic such as smart city - Inclusive innovation for communities, urban design and technology, urban mobility and smart infrastructure etc. Sunnie has a strong interest in bridging the gap between creative and innovative sustainable design strategies into the design industry and underprivileged communities. The endeavors included publicizing ongoing research topic on Kowloon East Inclusive Innovation & Growth in 2020; design seminars & sustainable design thinking workshops for university & secondary students; facilitating dialogue between professionals, academia and young members at various cross disciplinary platforms and institutions.
All Sessions by
Sunnie S.Y. Lau
Date of 2024
2:50 pm - 3:25 pm
Greener Transport Solution
Urban Mobility and Beyond: Getting Around in Smart Cities of the Future
Thought leaders will discuss mobility beyond electric vehicles. This panel will offer a holistic view on “urban mobility of the future”, and how various components form a future-ready transportation system to achieve the smart and sustainable needs of Hong Kong.